nepalartshop +977 984-0103803 

 1 . Size 75× 825$

 2 size 70 x 98 cm. 425$

 3. size 70 x 98 cm. 475$

 4. size 64x90cm with gold 945$

5. Size 70× 950$

[06:12, 12.3.2021] +977 980-3197527: Namaste
 I am from Sara Enterprises
 where you sent a mail regarding the paintings you like to have
 We currently don’t have all you require
 we only have green tara.   If you like we can make a brand new thangka of your choice
 We have our own thangka school and gallery.

Ich werde jemanden hinschicken zum verhandeln ….

green tara aber alle nicht gut 

[05:22, 9.3.2021] +91 91991 92533: I am Anish
You write me sms in my facebook page thangka.anish
I send you some painting what I paint already.

Yes I take contract work, but I have my own ideas to work with people.

1. I want to talk about wishes according that I draw your center deity with your idea and another thing I draw by my Traditional Thanks style that is Karma gadri.

2. I send some pictures before, I go according that I will not change much on that.

If you want then can make appointment and call to me on whatsapp.
Thank you
Mostly I work with Buddhist practitioner who want traditional Thangka pure measurements work.

Sound good.

I want appointment with you. When you are free to talk to me.
Do you have free time tomorrow 18:00 pm or you can give me your free time to talk you.

Actually I am from India and I work in Bodhgaya so I have India time so after your work finish then can talk


Sunapati Thanka Painting School,
Changu Narayan 1, Bhaktapur, Nepal

Thank you for your message and interest in our works of art.
I hope that you and your family are safe and well during this difficult time.
We had a look at the page with the details of the thangka paintings that you requested.
At this time we don’t have any thangka paintings of Green Tara, Yeshe Tsogyal and Buddha Samantabhadra of the size that you are looking for.
It’s not easy to find available artworks of the size that you request and especially with a design of Samanthabhadra with Samantabhadri in such position.
However our master artists will be happy to make these 3 thangkas for you according to your preference of design and colors.
We have some questions.
– I assume that the size 105×80 cm is the painting only. „Without funeral“ means without silk frame? Do you also want the thangkas to be framed with a traditional silk frame?
See this page for more information:
– I’m attaching here the pictures of your first choices of designs for Green Tara and Yeshe Tsogyal, please confirm that these are the correct designs and if possible send us the full size pictures of these thangkas.
– About Buddha Samantabhadra we have some doubts. I understood your preference of colors but the design in grey tones is of Vajrasattva with consort, not Samantabhadra.
Do you want the consort to have the same position of the head as shown on the Vajrasattva?

Once we have cleared all this information I will provide you with the estimate of price and time required to make the three thangka paintings.
I wish you a beautiful day and I look forward to your kind answer.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.