It may be that I ask monasteries in Asia to stay and
that they have reason to ask who I am and what I have done so far.
For this purpose, I asked people here in Germany
to make a short video statement that describes our relationship.

This is thongtrach, he is the right hand of a Buddhist monastery here near my hometown of Dresden.
Buddhist Retreat Center Amitayus e.V. I have been very connected to this monastery for several years. In this photo next to this message you can see the abbot, thongtrach at a visit from the German government.

If the video on the left doesn’t work, you can download it here and then play it:

Ronny, he is the abbot of the Zen group from Dresden with which I am also connected.

If the video on the left doesn’t work, you can download it here and then play it:

Lama Martina, a good friend she lived as a nun for 10 years and 7 of those years in the Rereat (

If the video on the left doesn’t work, you can download it here and then play it: